“The public sector’s commercial spend on goods and services is almost £200bn – even the smallest improvements in capability can unlock massive value across the system."
– Government Commercial Organisation
Foundation: Starter Pack
For organisations starting out, who want to develop better contract management practice.

Contract Management
Contract management policy suitable for publication within the organisation. The policy will communicate the organisation’s overall approach and set out the responsibilities of those managing contracts and suppliers. Based on nationally recognised best practice, the policy will satisfy most audit requirements and ensure contract managers across the organisation know what’s expected of them.

Your contracts segmented by financial value and business criticality, allowing you to focus resources where they will have greatest impact. We will segment your top 20 contracts for you and give you the tools and training to roll out the process across the rest.

Everything you need to begin better managing your contracts, straight away.
The Foundation Toolkit provides the basics of good contract management practice, supported by the training needed to use it effectively. Toolkit includes:
• Segmentation calculator
• Key activities matrix
• Contract management plan
• Contract mobilisation checklist
• Governance toolkit
• Risk and issue log

Foundation-level training for contract managers, focusing on the requirements of the contract management policy and how to practically apply the Foundation Toolkit in their roles.
Training is included for up to 40 contract managers, delivered in 2 groups of 20. This is followed by an online train-the-trainer workshop for up to 10 ‘champions’, who can roll the training more widely within their business units or service areas.
Ready to get started?
Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.